Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The Longest Day

Despite a few conflicting internet opinions it looks like today IS the longest day of Boston's year (I'm going to trust timeanddate.com for this one.) This day is 15h 16m 49s and the sun rose at 5:08 am. This is not, surprisingly, the earliest the sun has risen this year- it was rising at 5:07 between June 10th and yesterday. As someone who feels most accomplished when waking before the the sun the summer is a disarming time of year. Early rising doesn't give the same sense of possessing the day.

Might as well sleep until noon.

Actually it will be a long day for me in every sense because I'm going to be working a gig tonight from 11 until (theoretically) 3 am. More likely we'll be done earlier and I'll get paid to bike home. Hooray for the 4 hour minimum! Also, the weather should be ideal while I'm biking, having cooled after the 8:25 sunset (see what I did just there?)

This was a sketch that intimidated me (water reflections? morning light? a city skyline?) but I'm pretty pleased with it. I invented a quick technique for creating randomized lighted windows (draw #checkerboards of lines in the box building outlines, color most of them in- assures the windows will be at the correct angles too. Spottiness in otherwise opaque coloring seems to suggest other lights or reflected light, or odd-shaped light from, say, a half-curtained window.)

My concern is that I don't think it's clear that it's meant to be a sunrise. Either the buildings shouldn't be so dark or the sun should not have risen so far. I'd also need more gradations in the sky. Maybe I should do sketch revisions sometime.

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